Operational Matters

Volunteer system of self-regulation to be assessed against a set of standards

Academic Allocation Model, space allocation, Strategic Investment Process

 Process and procedure to continue courses and academic work


Accreditation » UO accreditation statement, cycle and current year within the process, documents
Regional » current cycle and historical documents for regional accreditation
Specialized » individual schools, colleges, and programs granted by a number of national organizations


Academic Allocation Model » general fund allocations to all academic units

Operating Allocation » the process for allocating funds to academic units
Resources » information about the model and details on each component and guidelines

Space » principles and responsibility of space at the university, how to request space

Request Space » guidance related to managing and teaching courses and working with students
Advisory Groups » support and guidance for space decision-makers

Strategic Investment Process » process for allocating funds for strategic investment

Request for Proposals » process for requesting funds for your unit or initiative, submission deadline in March 1, 2024
Budget Advisory Group » faculty, staff, and students from across campus advise on funding allocation

Academic Continuity

Academic Continuity Planning » a framework to guide planning and decision-making in the need for academic continuity planning

Resources for academic continuity » continuity plans that will be shared with the necessary campus members