Expectations for full-time tenure-track faculty members at the University of Oregon are consistent with those of other major research universities:
- Sustained high-quality, innovative scholarship in faculty member's discipline, demonstrated through a record of concrete, accumulated research, or creative activity;
- Effective, stimulating teaching that meets university-wide teaching standards established by the University Senate, to the extent applicable, in courses taught and in contributions to ensuring academic success for undergraduate and graduate students, as applicable;
- Ongoing, responsible service and leadership to the faculty member's students and department, the university, the community, and the faculty member’s professional discipline more broadly.
Evaluation and review for tenure-track faculty includes:
- Annual review – years 1, 2, 4, and 5
- Third-year or midterm review– year 3 (unless offered credit toward tenure)
- Promotion and tenure review – year 6
- Post-tenure review - typically at 3-year intervals
TTF Evaluation and Review Tracking
TTF review dates are tracked in Banner and can be reported via Cognos. UO is now using this system as the official data when anticipating and validating reviews.
Schools/colleges are responsible for ensuring that dates accurately reflect the approved tenure and post-tenure schedules of all tenure-track faculty. Designated representatives in each school/college will update Banner as mid-cycle TTF review changes (such as tenure-clock extensions) are approved as part of the normal workflow associated with these approvals. The approval authority for a particular review (school/college or Office of the Provost) is responsible for updating Banner when the review is complete.
No later than September 30th annually, schools/colleges will:
- ensure that all data is correct, including updates to current faculty review schedules and the addition of review schedules for newly hired TTF.
- ensure that annual reviews for untenured faculty and 3rd-year post-tenure reviews, which are the responsibility of departments/units or schools/colleges, are marked as completed.
Units should contact their school/college tenure contact, via local dean's office, with questions about data. Additional questions may be referred to the provost’s office at OtP@uoregon.edu.