Modified Duties

The University sets the following standards for teaching release during Parental Leave (PL) and Modified Duties (MD) terms in a single AY.

Full-time PL Term

Base cOURSE Load Courses ReLeased on one-term of parental leave
12 4
11 4
10 4
9 3
8 3
7 3
6 2
5 2
4 2
3 1
2 1
1 1

MD Term

MD term allows for a partial release from classroom responsibilities for up to one term within six months following parental leave or after the birth or adoption of a child. If parental leave is being taken, modified duties will be available after the parental leave is completed. Service duties may also be reduced during a MD term. The necessity for a partial release is determined by the faculty member in consultation with the department head or supervisor. A unit may offer a course release when a faculty member has not requested it, but a unit may not determine a release is unnecessary when a faculty member has determined it is, so long as it is consistent with the Modified Duties Course Release table below.

12 3
11 3
10 3
9 2
8 2
7 2
6 1
5 1
4 1
3 0
2 0
1 0

Departmental support for MD term

During a MD term, departments may be able to consider reduction in service duties or strategic assignment of service and instructional duties in the following ways:

  • Duplicate assignments for single course prep
  • Assignment of small courses
  • Assignment of large courses with grading support
  • Courses designated by the faculty member to be less-prep or less-labor-intensive teaching
  • One- or two-day-a-week rather than three or four-day-a-week teaching schedules
  • Relief from major service assignments during MD term
    • Search committees
    • Admissions committees
    • Labor-intensive standing committees
  • Consider assignments on committees that meet infrequently or have a low workload
  • Schedule remaining courses post-PL as stacked courses, creating a low- or zero-course term

The Office of Human Resources reviews and approves eligibility for PL and MD; however, HR does not approve the assignment of duties or the specifics of the modified duties. It is the responsibility of the faculty member to work directly with their department head and other appropriate school/college administrators to agree upon the specifics of the modified duties. Modified duties must be agreed upon by the faculty member, department head, and associate dean for faculty (or equivalent position) in the schools and colleges. Any duties released under parental leave or modified duties must be clearly documented and may not negatively impact a subsequent review.