P&T Review Process

Department Review

The internal (departmental) review of a promotion and/or tenure review file begins after a complete set of external review letters has been obtained. The file must be forwarded by the department to the Dean's Office by the date in the fall term set by the school/college. 

Each unit’s internal governance policy establishes eligibility to review and/or vote on cases involving promotion and/or tenure. 

Following completion of the department's committee report, the department head's report, and a thorough review of the dossier and all supplementary files to ensure all required documents are provided and in the correct locations, the dossier and any supplementary files are forwarded to the dean’s office.  

Department-level Review

School or College Review

The dean’s office should carry out its own thorough review of the file for completeness and compliance. If corrections are required, they should be requested from the department.  

Following this review of the file for completeness and compliance, the dean’s office releases the file to the school/college personnel committee for its review, recommendation, and vote.  

School or College-level Review

University-level FPC Review

The university-level Faculty Personnel Committee (FPC) is an elected standing committee of the University of Oregon Senate. Membership on the FPC is restricted to tenured faculty at the rank of associate professor or full professor. Associate professors serving on the FPC are empowered to participate fully in the review of all cases for promotion, including those for promotion to full professor.  

The FPC is responsible for the final, independent written report and vote in the promotion and/or tenure process for every candidate for promotion and/or tenure. After the FPC concludes its discussion and completes its report and vote, the FPC chair provides the report and voting record to the Office of the Provost, which then finalizes the dossier and presents it to the provost for final analysis and decision.  

FPC Review

Formal Notification of Approval/Denial

The provost has plenary authority to grant or deny tenure. Whenever possible, the candidate will be notified in writing of the provost’s decision by June 1. The letter accompanying the decision will contain an explanation of the reasons underlying the provost’s decision if the decision is to deny tenure or promotion. 

Successful candidates are granted promotion and/or tenure and assume their new classification and rank at the start of the next academic year, or sooner at the discretion of the provost. Candidates who are denied tenure will receive a notice of appointment, which expires at the end of the academic or fiscal year following the one in which the application for tenure was submitted. 

Requesting Review File Access

Faculty seeking access to their review file should contact the Office of the Provost (otp@uoregon.edu) at the conclusion of the personnel review process to assure the process and file are complete. OtP will work with the deans and ELR to provide access to the file in accordance with the employee’s signed waiver letter or in the absence of a waiver process.