The links below provide access to your units’ SharePoint folder containing the following:
- Data provided by the Office of the Provost (OtP) and Institutional Research (IR) for annual assessment and decennial program review. Units completing specialized or professional accreditation may need to work with Institutional Research (IR) to request additional data specific to their reporting needs. Please contact JP Monroe through the IR service portal.
- Annual Assessment reports, assessment plans and program learning outcomes.
- Decennial Program Review documents.
- If applicable, Specialized Accreditation reports for units that undergo specialized or professional accreditation.
See the naming convention under the folder list for uploading documents to your SharePoint folder.
Accessing your SharePoint Folders
The names of all folders are listed by college/school then alphabetical order. The first time you access your folder, it is a two-step process:
- Click on the “Data Security Questions” link and complete the quick Acceptable data use agreement.
- Once access is granted, click on the “SharePoint Folder” link. This link will also be sent directly to your email inbox 30 minutes after access is granted.
NOTE: It will take a minimum of 30 minutes from the time you are granted access until the link to your SharePoint folder grants access.
You will only need to complete the data security questions survey once, you may then access your folder directly and instantly using the “SharePoint Folder” link. If you are having technical issues accessing your folder, please email Austin Hocker, or Judy Kanavle
School, College, Institute, Campus | Unit Name | Sharepoint Folder Access |
BALLMER | Ballmer Institute | |
CAS | School of Global Studies & Languages | |
CAS-HUM | American English Institute | |
CAS-HUM | Cinema Studies | |
CAS-HUM | Classics | |
CAS-HUM | Comparative Literature | |
CAS-HUM | Creative Writing | |
CAS-HUM | East Asian Languages and Literatures | |
CAS-HUM | English | |
CAS-HUM | Folklore and Public Culture | |
CAS-HUM | German and Scandinavian | |
CAS-HUM | Humanities | |
CAS-HUM | Judaic Studies | |
CAS-HUM | Linguistics | |
CAS-HUM | Medieval Studies | |
CAS-HUM | Philosophy | |
CAS-HUM | Religious Studies | |
CAS-HUM | Romance Languages | |
CAS-HUM | Russian, East European, and Eurasian Studies | |
CAS-HUM | Theatre Arts | |
CAS-NS | Biology | |
CAS-NS | Chemistry and Biochemistry | |
CAS-NS | Computer Science | |
CAS-NS | Data Science | |
CAS-NS | Earth Sciences | |
CAS-NS | Human Physiology | |
CAS-NS | Mathematics | |
CAS-NS | Multidisciplinary Science | |
CAS-NS | Neuroscience | |
CAS-NS | Physics | |
CAS-NS | Psychology | |
CAS-SS | Anthropology | |
CAS-SS | Asian Studies | |
CAS-SS | Black Studies | |
CAS-SS | Economics | |
CAS-SS | Environmental Studies | |
CAS-SS | General Social Sciences | |
CAS-SS | Geography | |
CAS-SS | Global Studies | |
CAS-SS | History | |
CAS-SS | Indigenous, Race, and Ethnic Studies | |
CAS-SS | Latin American Studies | |
CAS-SS | Political Science | |
CAS-SS | Sociology | |
CAS-SS | Women's, Gender, and Sexuality Studies | |
CHC | Clark Honors College | |
COE | Counseling Psychology and Human Services (CPHS) | |
COE | Education Studies | |
COE | Special Education and Clinical Sciences (SPECS) | |
DESIGN | Architecture | |
DESIGN | Art | |
DESIGN | Historic Preservation | |
DESIGN | History of Art and Architecture | |
DESIGN | Interior Architecture | |
DESIGN | Landscape Architecture | |
DESIGN | Product Design | |
DESIGN | School of Planning, Public Policy and Management | |
GRAD | Division of Graduate Studies | |
KCASI | Knight Campus | |
LAW | Law - Conflict & Dispute Resolution Masters Program & Legal Studies | |
LAW | Law - Master of Laws (LLM) | |
LCB | Lundquist College of Business | |
PE/REC | Physical Education and Recreation | |
SOJC | School of Journalism and Communication | |
SOMD | Dance | |
SOMD | Music | |
UO Libraries | Library | |
CAS | Academic Support Units (select the appropriate ASU link for access) | Data Security Questions: |
Naming Convention for Uploading to SharePoint Folders
If you are uploading documents to your folders, please use the following naming convention to ensure consistency:
Annual Assessment:
Decennial Program Review:
Y1-Y2_ERC Report_CorrectionsOfFact_Unit
Y1-Y2_ImplementationPlan_Final _Unit
Specialized Accreditation Reports:
*Y1-Y2 of the academic reporting year