Unit Policy Review

The first collective bargaining agreement (CBA) between the University of Oregon and United Academics, ratified in 2013, required the development of many unit-level policies. These policies are written by units and then approved by their school or college and the Office of the Provost. Current unit-level policies may be found at Department and Unit Policies

Unit Policy Revision Process

  • Step 1: Download current policy

    Start by downloading with the most recently approved version of your unit policy. Track changes in the document. Follow your unit's shared governance process to develop and approve policy updates, observing guidance received from the dean or others. 


    Step 2: Submit Faculty-Approved policy

    Unit head or other faculty designee submits faculty-approved policy revision to the Office of the Provost. A copy of the document is archived and the sent withing 2 days of receipt to the unit's Dean for review. 


    Step 3: Dean Reviews Faculty-Approved revisions

    The dean reviews the revised policy, and has 45 days to provide unit faculty with notice and explaination of any proposed non-grammatical alterations to the faculty-approved version. Upon request, they may meet with unit faculty. Dean submits policy to the Office of the Provost.


    Step 4: Office of the Provost review

    The Office of the Provost has 60 days (not counting academic breaks or time between academic years) to review the revisions and will compare faculty and dean approved policy documents. Deans will be contacted regarding any concerns.


    Step 5: Approved policy published 

    Approved policy is formatted and published to the Office of the Provost Policies webpage. Notice will be sent via email to the dean and unit head.

1. Policy Templates and Faculty Representatives

Step 1: Define Unit Representative

Unit heads represent their faculty during this process. They serve as a point of contact for the Office of the Provost and are responsible for uploading their faculty-approved version of the policies. Unit heads may identify an additional faculty member to be granted access to the Sharepoint site and receive communications. Email Denita Strietelmeier to request access.  

Step 2: Download the Provost's policy templates. 

Provided templates must be used for review and approval. 

DUE 2025 - Template links will be added when UA bargaining (2024) is complete. Previous versions of templates may require revision.

  • Review and Promotion Policy - Career & Limited Duration Faculty
  • Review and Promotion Policy - Tenure-Related Faculty
    • Teaching Evaluation Rubric

Step 3: Review CBA and Resources

Units should carefully review Appendix 1 and 2 in the new CBA for implementation agreements, unit-policy development guidelines, and the standards and criteria for major reviews. Refer also to the highlights of the CBA changes and additional resources

Step 4: Complete policy drafts 

Follow your unit's shared governance process to develop and approve policy drafts, observing guidance received from dean or others.

2. Submit Faculty-Approved Policy

Faculty-approved policy drafts are due by the Dean-defined deadline.

Step 1: Upload faculty-approved policy documents to their folder on the Sharepoint site.

  • Document should be clean (comments and track-changes resolved)
  • Files should be named with one of the following conventions to match the policy type:
    • "UnitName_CareerR&P_FacultyApproved_Date.docx"
    • "UnitName_TTFR&P_FacultyApproved_Date.docx"
  • If the link above does not work for you OR if you can't see your folder, contact Denita Strietelmeier

Upon upload, the program manager will be notified. Edit privileges will be removed to retain document integrity. A copy will then be sent to the unit's dean for revision and approval. 

3. Deans Review Faculty-Approved Merit Policies

Deans will be emailed a link to a copy of the faculty's draft within 2 days of receipt by OtP.

Step 1: Deans will download the document using the link provided. Option 1) Click on the three dots to the right of the file name and select "Download" or Option 2):

  1. Select the template
  2. In the open template select "File"
  3. Select "Save As"
  4. Select "Download a Copy"

Step 2: Deans should use track changes for any edits they make to the faculty document and comments to explain their rationale for substantive changes or edits 

Step 3: Within 45 days of receiving the faculty draft, Deans will provide unit faculty with notice and explaination of any proposed non-grammatical alterations to the faculty-approved version. Upon request, they may meet with the unit faculty.

4. Final Policy Updates Due to Office of the Provost

Deans are to submit their revisions/approvals to the designated Sharepoint site by JUNE 15. Submitted draft should leave track changes on. The Office of the Provost will contact Deans with any concerns.

5. Policy Approvals Complete

The Office of the Provost will review submissions within 60 days and contact Deans and faculty designees with approved versions by SEPT 15.

6. Revised Policies Published

All newly revised and approved policies are published to the Office of the Provost Policies webpage by SEPT 28.