Unit Heads

This page is designed for department/area/unit heads, directors, and other academic leadership. Review our Academic Leadership and Academic Support Contacts list. You can provide direct comments, revisions, and additions to this list. 

Resources can be found in the Unit Heads Sharepoint folder. If you need access to this folder or would like a designee to have access to these materials, pleas contact Katy Krieger (kkrieger@uoregon.edu).

Meeting information, resources, important academic news, and more can be found below:

Quarterly Timely Updates Meetings

Each term the Office of the Provost will offer a “Timely Updates” meeting to ensure unit heads are informed of the campus wide changes or timely information. These will be interactive with time for questions to be answered. The intended audience includes academic department heads, school heads, associate deans, area directors, program directors, etc., but all interested academic leaders are welcome! Email Sierra Dawson with questions, accommodation needs, and more.

You can find more information from these meetings on the Community Canvas site for Unit Heads.

  • Fall 2024: October 30 from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. in the Redwood Auditorium (EMU 214)
  • Winter 2025: February 19 from 9 to 10:30 a.m. in the Crater Lake North and South rooms (EMU 145-146)
  • Spring 2025: April 30 from 9 to 10:30 a.m. in the Crater Lake North and South rooms (EMU 145-146)

Associate Deans Meetings

The VPAA will convene a group of Associate Deans for Faculty (and related faculty personnel roles) once per term to discuss timely updates, answer questions, generate feedback, action plan, and support their work. Please email Katy Krieger for more information about these meetings.

  • Fall term: TBD
  • Winter term: TBD
  • Spring term: TBD

School and College Personnel Team Meeting

This is a shared  biweekly meeting between the OtP faculty personnel team and the CAS faculty personnel team. We invite personnel teams and individuals from all other schools/colleges to join us! Email Katy Krieger for more information about these meetings.

Academic Affairs Office Hours





Renee Irvin, VPAA

Fridays 9:30am-10:30am

Teams (541-346-2155) or in Johnson Hall 206

Faculty reviews, promotion, tenure, sabbaticals, and other faculty personnel concerns

Ron Bramhall, Associate VP of Academic Affairs

Tuesdays and Fridays from 9:00am-10:00am


Policies, academic programming, and program review/assessment

Katy Krieger, Interim Dir of Faculty Personnel & Policy and Jenny Talusan, Program Manager

Fridays from 9:00-10:00am


Faculty personnel work including major reviews, sabbaticals, faculty personnel tool use and implementation, recruitment and retention, TTF Offers, IHP, named/endowed, OtP policies, etc

Austin Hocker, Assistant VP of Data & Decision-Making

Wednesdays from 10-11am


Data and assessment support

Carolyn Vogt, Online Operations Manage and Executive Assistant

Thursdays 9:00am-10:00am


Curricular approval process and the UO Committee on courses

AY24-25 Major Reviews Deadlines

Unit heads are encouraged to fill out their own version of the major reviews deadlines table with internal unit/department and school/college deadlines.




3PTR Development Plans

10/18/2024 (for AY23-24 reviewees)


TTF Promotion and Tenure (all schools/colleges except CAS)



3PTR Informal Reviews



Promotion and Tenure (CAS)



Midterm Review



Career Faculty Promotion

3/1/2025 to OVPRI

4/15/2025 to OtP


Career Continuous Review



3PTR Formal Reviews






Policy Deadlines and Resources

More information on policies coming soon.

Quarterly Updates

We look forward to seeing you at the summit where we will discuss leadership values, the Oregon Rising strategic plan and timely graduation, and Provost Chris Long will hand out Outstanding Unit Head Awards.
A reminder about the Gratitude Lunch on Sept. 20 from noon to 2:00 pm in the EMU, and an announcement that we'll be sending emails and providing links about important fall announcements.
Updates about important policy changes, teaching resources that will help your unit implement those changes and prepare for the term, and action steps to share with your unit.


The Office of the Provost is in the implementation stage of a software platform to manage faculty reviews starting in 2025-2026. This system will track faculty activity (in the usual scholarship, teaching, and service categories) and will manage the various review and promotion workflows.
The University of Oregon and United Academics have not reached agreement on Articles 19 and 20. Therefore, we are unable to develop appropriate policy templates and start the revision process.
Please remind your search committees about the Oregon Veteran's Preference. To comply with state law, there are steps that need to be taken at an early stage of applicant pool consideration, and well before inviting candidates to campus.
Attend the first Department Head Strategies Session on Dec. 6 in Johnson Hall. Consider these four reminders as you begin the promotion and review process.
Some updates on career instructional faculty hiring for 2024-2025.
Peer reviewers will be on campus Oct. 9-11 to conduct a site visit for the university’s year-7 accreditation reaffirmation by the Northwest Commission on Colleges and Universities (NWCCU).
The personnel team shares updates and clarifications relevant to faculty reviews and promotions.
As fall term of an election year begins, we want to remind you that Oregon law prohibits the use of public funds, equipment, and supplies to advocate for or against a candidate or ballot measure. A reminder about academic freedom.
The UO Teaching Engagement Program and UO Online have prepared resources to support faculty and graduate employee instructors.