Presidential Fellowships in Arts and Humanities

These competitive fellowships offer a $25,000 fund to tenure-track faculty in the creative arts and humanities at UO. The awards will go to highly productive tenure-track faculty working in humanistic areas:

  • (a) for scholarly materials, travel, and other research expenses (copy editors, indexers, research assistants, subvention fees, etc.);
  • (b) as summer, sabbatical, or fellowship salary;
  • (c) or to cover the cost of a course release, with departmental approval, during the academic year. 

The open-purpose funding permits scholars to put the award to its best use depending upon where they are in their progress on a given project; if taken as salary, the $25,000 will include OPE. Please contact Rachel Kahn with questions:


Apply here


  1. Research or creative projects must be clearly in the arts and humanities.
  2. The applicant must hold a tenure-track UO appointment during the academic year of the fellowship.
  3. If an applicant has received funding from any other source(s) for the same or a closely related research or creative project, they must indicate when, from whom, how much support they have previously received, and how the current proposal differs from or advances the project previously funded.
  4. If you received the Presidential Fellowship in Arts and Humanities (or its predecessor, Presidential Fellowship in Humanistic Study) in a prior year, you are not eligible to apply again.