
crystal apple

Awards and


2023-24 Award Winners

Closed for this year

Celebrates excellence in teaching and pedagogy and is UO's highest teaching honor

Closed for this year

Recognizes excellent teachers who have demonstrated an extraordinary commitment to undergraduate education.

Closed for this year

Funds individuals or groups to renew, broaden, restructure, or develop curricula that engages students.

Nominate by April 11

Recognizes faculty, staff, and graduate students for excellence in graduate education.

Application deadline TBD

Recognizes career faculty focused on teaching; provides leadership opportunities

Rolling deadline

Celebrates and encourages UO scholars to publish books beyond those required for tenure and promotion

Nominated by deans

Recognizes excellent unit heads for their outstanding leadership and dedication. 

Postponed until 2025

Faculty development program for mid-career faculty; paused through 2025-26

See Other UO Honors »

Awards and Opportunities Honorees


Other University Honors

Presidential Fellowships in Arts and Humanities

These competitive fellowships offer a $25,000 fund to tenure-track faculty in the creative arts, humanities, and humanistic social sciences at UO. The awards will go to highly productive tenure-track faculty working in humanistic areas (a) for scholarly materials, travel, and other research expenses (copy editors, indexers, research assistants, subvention fees, etc.); (b) as summer, sabbatical, or fellowship salary; (c) or to cover the cost of a course release, with departmental approval, during the academic year. The open-purpose funding permits scholars to put the award to its best use depending upon where they are in their progress on a given project; if taken as salary, the $25,000 will include OPE.

UO Excellence in Advising Awards

Each year, the Division of Undergraduate Studies and the All-Campus Advising Association (ACAA) select one outstanding faculty advisor and one outstanding professional advisor. Both receive a $2,000 award, generously provided by The Division of Undergraduate Studies. The recipients who best exhibit the qualities associated with excellent advising will be recognized at an awards brunch. Faculty, students, staff, and officers of administration are welcome to nominate faculty and professional advisors who meet the eligibility requirements.

Martin Luther King, Jr. Award

Equity, inclusion, and diversity are fundamental values we aspire to as a university community. These values were profoundly reflected in the life and work of Reverend Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Each year, the Division of Equity and Inclusion celebrates university faculty and staff whose contributions to the campus and local communities exemplify ideals espoused by Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. 

Remote Teaching Awards

The Remote Teaching Awards recognize faculty who transformed traditional, face-to-face courses into remote teaching environments while maintaining the qualities we value at the UO: professional, inclusive, engaged and research-informed teaching. Each recipient is awarded a $1,000 stipend.

The Wayne T. Westling Award

The Wayne T. Westling Award for University Leadership and Service was created by the UO Senate in 2001. The award is named in honor of Wayne T. Westling, Professor of Law at the University of Oregon from 1979-2001, who was recognized across campus for his unswerving and selfless commitment to faculty governance at the University of Oregon. It is given to a faculty or staff member for their outstanding and long-term leadership and service to the university. The Senate’s Committee on Committees is responsible for establishing the selection criteria, soliciting nominations, screening candidates, and recommending the recipient to the Senate for its approval. The recipient is selected when the Senate votes on the recommendation of the Committee on Committees.

Faculty Excellence in Universal Design

The Accessible Education Center awards faculty members who display excellence in universal design. This involves providing flexibility in the ways in which information is presented, how students may demonstrate knowledge or skills, and the ways in which students are able to engage in a course. Universal Design in Learning (UDL) strives to ensure equity and access for all learners. 

CURE Faculty Research Mentor Awards

The Faculty Research Mentor Award recognizes UO faculty members for their exceptional mentoring of undergraduate students in research and experiential learning. The awards are open to all full-time and part-time research and instructional faculty employed by the University of Oregon. Two faculty members receive a $2,500 award every year, with nominations welcomed from current students, alumni, faculty, and administrators.