Policy liaison, UO Implementation Grant, teaching resources

Dear colleagues,  

The UO Teaching Engagement Program and UO Online have prepared resources to support faculty and graduate employee instructors:  

The Instructional Policy Liaison for your school/college is prepared to support colleagues with their attendance policies, navigate Student Conduct and Community Standards policies and processes, and understand Accessible Education Center accommodations. Instructors can work with their liaison in the weeks ahead, including through weekly drop-in office hours.    

As units continue the Unit Policy Update Process, there is funding and programing for the teaching-related aspects of this work:  

  • Apply for a UO Implementation Grant to support inclusive and effective teaching in policy and practice by Oct. 21 (up to $5,500 to support, say, peer review in your unit, discussion of teaching values, focus groups on your students’ views of inclusive teaching, and more). 
  • Join workshops on the peer review of teaching and, for unit heads and their designees, a luncheon on revising teaching sections of career and tenure-related faculty review and promotion policies. 

Find other fall events (including a new AI Reading Group) on the UO Online and Teaching Engagement Program events calendar.  As a reminder, the Fall 2024 Course Resources include a Syllabus 'Starter' with all required UO policies and many sample course policies and ready-made Canvas modules for your colleagues to import into their Canvas sites and adapt.  

Please encourage your unit to: 

  1. Include an AI policy on their syllabi. 
  2. Update syllabi to match instructors’ new status as designated Title IX reporters
  3. Track new exceptions to “reason neutral” attendance policies. 
  4. Plan for Election Day Nov. 5 and engaging difficult national and international contexts with care. The new Teaching in Turbulent Context Resource Guide offers principles linked to concrete practices and invites faculty and GE instructors to four events that deepen and build on these ideas. 


Office of the Provost