Current Accreditation Cycle (2018-2024)

The NWCCU accreditation cycle is completed over a seven-year period and guided by the Standards for Accreditation. The University of Oregon initiated a new seven-year accreditation cycle in 2018 under a set of five Standards for Accreditation that were adopted by NWCCU in 2010. These standards are reflected in the 2018 Year One Self-evaluation report and in the 2020 Mid-cycle Self-evaluation report.

NWCCU Accreditation Standards (effective January 1, 2010 - December 31, 2019)

  • Standard 1. Mission and Core Themes
  • Standard 2. Resources and Capacity
  • Standard 3. Planning and Implementation
  • Standard 4. Effectiveness and Improvement
  • Standard 5. Mission Fulfillment, Adaption, and Sustainability

Effective January 1, 2020, the NWCCU adopted revisions to the Standards for Accreditation and evaluation cycle. The new 2020 Standards and evaluation cycle will guide future reporting requirements in the new Year 6 Policies, Regulations, and Financial Review (PRFR) and in the Year 7 Evaluation of Institutional Effectiveness (EIE).

NWCCU Accreditation Standards (effective January 1, 2020)

  • Standard 1. Student Success and Institutional Mission and Effectiveness
  • Standard 2. Governance, Resources, and Capacity

Reporting Cycle

Reporting Topic


2018 - Year 1

Self-Evaluation of Standard 1: Mission and Core Themes

Year One Self-evaluation Report 

NWCCU acceptance letter

2020 - Year 3

Mid-Cycle Self-Evaluation 

Mid-cycle Self-evaluation Report

Mid-cycle Peer-evaluation Report

NWCCU acceptance letter

2023 - Year 6

Policies, Regulations, and Financial Review (PRFR)

Year Six Standard Two PRFR Report

NWCCU acceptance letter

2024 - Year 7

Evaluation of Institutional Effectiveness (EIE)

Year Seven EIE Report

NWCCU acceptance letter