- What is parental leave?
- Who is eligible?
- When does eligibility for parental leave begin?
- My spouse/partner also works for UO; are we both eligible for parental leave?
- How does short-term disability work related to parental leave?
- Who is eligible for modified duties?
- Can I take course release in the middle of the term?
- Can I request other workplace accommodations in lieu of, or in addition to, course release?
- Can I stop the tenure review clock as a result of birth or adoption of a child?
- Whom should I contact for more information?
What is parental leave?
UO’s parental leave policy provides compensated leave to eligible career, tenure-track, and tenured faculty members following the birth or adoption of a child. The compensated leave will be based on the Article 32, section 10.
Who is eligible?
Career, tenure-track, and tenured faculty members who qualify for and take FMLA and/or OFLA leave are eligible for compensated parental leave.
Faculty members who are not eligible for compensation under the parental leave policy may still be eligible for compensated leave, for leave taken under FMLA and/or OFLA, in some circumstances.
Human Resources will determine eligibility for FMLA and/or OFLA, parental leave, and any compensated leave that may be available under other policies. Contact Human Resources at hrleaves@uoregon.edu or 541-346-2950 with questions.
When does eligibility for parental leave begin?
A faculty member becomes eligible to take parental leave immediately following the birth or adoption of a child. The leave must begin no later than one year after the birth or adoption.
My spouse/partner also works for UO; are we both eligible for parental leave?
Yes. If both parents are employees of the university and meet the eligibility requirements, then both parents are entitled to take parental leave and modified duties, as applicable.
How does short-term disability work relate to parental leave?
An employee who qualifies for and takes parental leave under PFML, FMLA and/or OFLA, and is enrolled in short-term disability, may file a claim directly with the UO’s short-term disability provider, The Standard Insurance. Please note: Since PFML is a paid benefit, your short-term disability benefit amount will be reduced based on the amount of PFML benefits you are eligible for at the time of filing. Contact uopaidleave@uoregon.edu with questions related to PFML.
The Standard Insurance generally will pay 5 weeks for a normal birth or 7 weeks for a complicated delivery, after a 7-day waiting period. If the pregnancy occurred prior to the enrollment of short-term disability, it will be considered a pre-existing condition and The Standard Insurance will pay 4 weeks, after a 7-day waiting period. Contact Human Resources at hrbenefits@uoregon.edu or 541-346-3085 with questions.
Who is eligible for modified duties?
A career, tenure-track, or tenured faculty member who is eligible for FMLA and/or OFLA leave has the option, within six months after the birth or adoption of a child, to take up to one term of modified duties at full pay.
Human Resources will determine eligibility for modified duties. HR does not approve the specifics of the modified duties. It is the responsibility of the faculty member to work directly with their department head and other appropriate school/college administrators to agree upon the specifics of the modified duties. Contact Human Resources at hrleaves@uoregon.edu or 541-346-2950 with questions.
How do I request modified duties?
Once HR confirms eligibility for modified duties, it is the responsibility of the faculty member to work directly with their department head and other appropriate school/college administrators to agree upon the specifics of the modified duties. Modified duties must be agreed upon in writing by the faculty member, department head, and appropriate dean in the schools and colleges.
The dean or department head may contact the Office of the Provost at vpaa@uoregon.edu for assistance, if needed.
What does course release mean?
Course release is defined as a full or partial release from classroom and classroom-related teaching responsibilities for tenure- and career- related faculty members with full pay status. The number of course releases will accord with guidance on the Provost’s website. During this time, the eligible faculty member will continue to conduct research, student advising, and other professional responsibilities, including departmental and university service as applicable to their position description.
Any release from or reduction of teaching responsibilities pursuant to this policy does not mean that the faculty member will be required to carry more than a normal load before or after the leave.
Can I request modified duties in the middle of the term?
No. The modified duties must begin at the start of term following paternal leave.
If the birth or adoption occurs mid-term, you may use accrued leave for the remainder of the term and your time off would be protected under FMLA and/or OFLA. For example, if the baby is born on February 14 (in the middle of winter term), you may use accrued leave for the remainder of winter term and take course release in spring term.
Can I request other workplace accommodations in lieu of, or in addition to, course release?
A qualified individual with a pregnancy related or non-pregnancy related disability is entitled to reasonable workplace accommodations that are necessary to overcome disability-related limitations that impact their ability to effectively perform the functions of their job.
Workplace accommodations come in many forms. For example, some employees require ergonomic furniture or modifications to their workspace in order to overcome limitations impacting their ability to sit or concentrate. Other employees require a flexible work schedule in order to attend medical appointments or an extended leave of absence to seek medical treatment. Requests for accommodation are assessed by the ADA Coordinator in Human Resources on a case-by-case basis. For more information about the university’s accommodation process, review the Human Resources website or email workplaceADA@uoregon.edu.
Can I stop the tenure, promotion, and review clock as a result of the birth or adoption of a child?
Yes. The tenure review clock shall be stopped, unless the faculty member specifies otherwise, for one year upon the birth or adoption of a child. Additional information can be found on the Office of the Provost's "Tenure Clock Considerations" webpage.
Whom should I contact for more information?
For questions related to eligibility for FMLA, OFLA, Parental Leave, or Modified Duties, review the Human Resources website or contact Human Resources, at hrleaves@uoregon.edu or 541-346-2950.
For questions related to what types of modified duties are available or how modified duties can be structured, contact the Office of the Provost at vpaa@uoregon.edu.