Instructions for Staff on Preparing Review Files

The Office of the Provost (OtP) requests digital submission of all promotion and tenure files. The candidate’s review file should be prepared digitally at the unit level. Once the unit review is complete, the review file is to be forwarded to the dean’s office. Following the dean’s review and recommendation, the dean’s office will submit the primary file and supplementary materials to the VPAA  via Microsoft OneDrive.  

For the convenience of all promotion and tenure file reviewers, please confirm that that the PDFs are set to “Bookmark Panel & Page” view, and that all bookmarks are correct. Here are instructions on how to add and/or delete bookmarks and how to set the view on a PDF. If you have questions, please contact the VPAA:  

Primary Review Dossier

The primary review dossier is to be submitted digitally as a single PDF with all elements included. Primary dossier not submitted as a single PDF will be returned for reformatting. Units must use the Primary Dossier Template for compiling the dossier. See the primary dossier template cover page for more information on primary file contents. 

Guides, Forms, Templates

Supplementary Review Dossier

Supplemental materials are to be submitted digitally whenever possible. Units must use the supplementary review dossier template for submitting materials. If files are not readily available in digital format, contact for alternative arrangements. See the supplementary file dossier template cover page for more information on supplementary review file contents. 

Guides, Forms, and Templates

Submitting the Review File

Promotion and tenure files are to be submitted to OtP using an OtP-provided Microsoft OneDrive “Request for Files” link. All UO employees have access to OneDrive and the “Request for Files” link will be sent to  staff at the start of winter term in preparation for the January 24th submission deadline (the deadline is later for CAS files). If you are unfamiliar with OneDrive or have questions about its use, please contact your IT staff.  To upload the candidate’s primary and supplementary files in one candidate’s folder to the “Request for Files” link using following steps:  

  1. Create a folder (using your designated school/college process), using the following naming convention: Candidate’s Last, First - School/College Dept – Review Type (e.g., Doe, Jane - CAS History – P&T). 
  • Upload the primary file into the candidate’s folder. 
  • Upload supplemental materials into the candidate’s folder as applicable.  
  • If your candidate has supplementary file types that do not fit within the candidate’s folder or they are file types that need special attention, please email for assistance. 
  1. Select the “Request for Files” link for the appropriate review type from the VPAA email you were sent. 
  2. Staff can upload all candidate folders for all major reviews in your school/college using the “Request for Files” links provided. Due to the high volume of promotion and tenure files, Office of the Provost staff members are grateful to receive any completed files prior to the deadline.
  • Staff may also make corrections by updating the candidate’s folder and resubmitting the materials before the January 24th deadline. 
  1. After the January 24th deadline, the candidate may add materials up until the provost’s decision if the candidate feels that the material constitutes a substantive achievement that should be included in the file. If a CV is to be updated, the candidate should consider submitting an addendum, rather than a full new CV (because an addendum enables reviewers to notice the new material easily). All additional materials must be signed and dated by the candidate:  
  • if the file is still under department review, contact the head 
  • if the file is at the Dean’s office, contact the dean
  • if the file is at the Provost’s Office, contact the VPAA (   

Microsoft Office “Request for Files” will notify the VPAA when candidate folders are dropped into our online repository. There is no need to email our office when you complete this process, unless you are submitting a revised file. Questions about the preparation of the promotion and tenure file can be sent to