University Space Allocation

University space is a valuable resource and is allocated to support the strategic academic and research priorities established by the university president. The responsibility for space allocation is delegated by the president to the university provost and senior vice president. The following principles guide space allocation decisions:

Guided Principles

  • All space belongs to the university and is subject to assignment and reassignment to achieve the institution’s mission and strategic priorities.  
  • Space usage will be consistent with university policies and in alignment with strategic plans and goals.   
  • Space decisions should support improved efficiency, functionality, flexibility, and utilization.
  • Co-location of programmatically related activities should have a higher priority than co-location of non-programmatically related activities. 
  • Schools, colleges, and units are expected to effectively manage their existing space allocation before making a request for additional space.   

Space Requests

Schools, colleges, and university departments may request space by submitting a description of the need for space using the space request form. If you are working off campus, please turn on VPN to access this form.

Request Space

Completed allocation requests will be analyzed by Office of the Provost and Campus Planning staff for alignment with the guiding principles described above.

For questions regarding space requests or the space allocation process, please contact Hal Sadofsky at

For additional information about space use and space management, visit the Campus Planning website.

Advisory Groups

Space Advisory Group

The Space Advisory Group (SAG) is an advisory group to the provost and senior vice president. SAG is charged with evaluating space requests and making recommendations to the provost for the allocation of university space to serve the mission and goals of the university. Members are appointed by the provost and are subject to change based on strategic priorities of the university.

SAG is supported and informed by the associate vice president for academic infrastructure and Campus Planning and Facilities Management staff and draws regularly on the expertise of the Committee on Academic Infrastructure and Science Space Advisory Group (SciSAG), among others. 

Committee for Academic Infrastructure

The Committee for Academic Infrastructure (CAI) is charged with evaluating classroom utilization and quality and advising the provost through the Space Advisory Group on improving university classrooms. In service to this charge, the CAI regularly:

  • Consults with various campus constituents regarding classrooms;
  • Conducts condition assessments of campus classroom facilities;
  • Reviews and analyzes classroom sizes and makes recommendations as to future campus needs;
  • Develops and recommends classrooms configurations informed by curricular needs and pedagogical best practices;
  • Reviews annual classroom utilization statistics;
  • Evaluates long- and short-term impacts of adding classrooms or changing existing classrooms to non-classroom functions; and
  • Recommends campus classroom design and construction standards which include but are not limited to finishes, furnishings, and ADA requirements.

CAI members are appointed by the provost and include instructional faculty from diverse disciplines and representatives from the following offices:

  • Office of the Provost;
  • Teaching Engagement Program;
  • Office of the Registrar;
  • Campus Planning and Facilities Management;
  • Center for Media and Educational Technologies; and
  • Accessible Education Center.

Science Space Advisory Group

The Science Space Advisory Group (SciSAG) advises the provost (through SAG), the dean of the College of Arts and Sciences (CAS), and the vice president for research and innovation (VPRI) on the use and assignment of space for the natural science and lab space for social sciences. SciSAG is tasked with facilitating efficiencies and appropriate adjacencies in space use in the Lokey Science Complex and may make recommendations for renovations of existing space or allocations of new space outside the complex.

SciSAG responsibilities include:

Advise the CAS dean and VPRI (within their existing space designations) on:

  • How to initiate and coordinate space planning across the Lokey Science Complex;
  • How to help units make decisions about faculty lab allocations;
  • How productivity, seniority, or other factors should be considered in determining how space is allocated to faculty within the Lokey Science Complex; and
  • How to consider proposals to change space usage from departments, institutes and other units using space in the Lokey Science Complex. When such proposals are internal to units, or involve mutual agreement between units, the SciSAG’s role is to ensure that these requests are consistent, with the goal of using resources efficiently and effectively.

Advise the provost (through SAG) on:

  • How to consider proposals to change space usage from departments, institutes, and other units using space in the Lokey Science Complex when other space outside of Lokey is needed or the cases are complex and require senior administration decision-making;
  • How space can be reassigned to further strategic needs; and
  • How to facilitate agreements among/across units for the appropriate use of space for Clusters of Excellence and other hires that may not fit easily into existing unit space.

Membership is at the discretion of the provost and includes representatives from across the natural sciences, institutes, and capital construction.