Statutory Faculty

State law defines faculty at the UO as the “president and professors” at the institution. That same statute, ORS 352.146, states that the statutory faculty “have the immediate government and discipline of a university with a governing and the students therein, except as otherwise provided by law or action of the governing board.” The fact that law defines statutory faculty provides an important recognition by the State of Oregon of the role shared governance plays at the institution.

“Statutory faculty” is further defined in the UO’s constitution. In that document, statutory faculty is defined as:  “…the body of professors consisting of the university president, tenure-related officers of instruction, career non-tenure-track officers of instruction, and officers of administration who are tenured in an academic department.” 

The constitution further stipulates that membership in the statutory faculty is retained during sabbatical leaves; retired and emeriti faculty members are not members of the statutory faculty; and the university president is the president of the statutory faculty.  (See Section 2.3.)  Further, the statutory faculty make up the “Faculty Assembly” when that body is gathered to officially exercise governance obligations (Section 2.4) and the statutory faculty has delegated much of its governance responsibility to the University Senate (Section 1.5).


For questions or information about faculty policies, employment, or other general academic affairs matters, contact the Office of the Provost: or 541-346-3081

For questions or information about the University Senate, contact the senate executive coordinator, Betina Lynn:

For questions or information about the statutory faculty, contact the Director of Faculty Personnel and Policy in the Office of the Provost, Katy Krieger:

Members of the Statutory Faculty

List of statutory faculty members


There are currently no meetings of the statutory faculty scheduled. See Senate meeting schedule for information.

Materials from past meetings (2003-2011)