Academic classifications, categories and rank are outlined in detail in Article 15 of the CBA. Classification describes the type of position (e.g. tenure track vs. career classification). Category describes a rank or group of ranks (e.g. professor vs. librarian vs. instructor categories). Rank defines the level of promotion within a category (e.g. assistant vs. associate professor rank, or instructor vs. senior instructor rank).
If a hiring unit or an employee believes that the employee’s duties and responsibilities fit better into a category other than the one into which the employee was hired, the hiring unit can request that the position be recategorized (e.g. from senior instructor II to professor of practice). Recategorization is not the same as promotion, since a change in rank within a category requires a promotion review (e.g. from instructor to senior instructor).
The CBA permits a pro tem faculty member to be reclassified to a career classification, but does not permit a career faculty member to be reclassified into the tenure-track classification. Reclassification and recategorization are distinct, and both will be performed in accordance with Article 15.
To request reclassification or recategorization, please prepare a statement from the dean outlining the reason for the request. This statement should provide evidence that the employee meets the standards outlined in the CBA Article 15 for the requested change. A separate paragraph is requested for each criteria outlined in the CBA related to the desired change. For example, a recategorization from senior instructor II to professor of practice would require a paragraph for each of the four criteria outlined in the Article 15 section 3(c) of the CBA.
The prepared statement from the dean and the employee’s vita will be submitted via MyTrack as described on the Human Resources - Operations website. The provost or designee will review the request once it has cleared HR.