Curricular Matters

A framework that integrates Annual Program Assessment Decennial Program Review.

Information about developing curriculum

Find answers to commonly asked questions

Program Assessment

Program Assessment » framework that integrates UO's two main tools for assessing program performance 
All unit level program assessment reports including annual assessment, decennial program review, and specialized accreditation reports have been migrated to unit SharePoint folders. Click here for instructions to access your SharePoint folder

Annual program assessment » guidelines and information about the assessment
Decennial program review » goals and processes of the decennial review
SharePoint folders » instructions to access your SharePoint folder

Curriculum Assessment » information about assessment materials for programs and the submission schedule

Curriculum assessment resources » resources for assessment planning and rubrics

New and Revised Programs and Courses

New & Revised Programs » the processes for new programs and modifications to curriculum

Approval Authority for Course Proposals » authority for departments, colleges, and UOC
Guidance to Update Program Learning Outcomes » guidance for how units should review and update PLOs to ensure that they align with school/college
Honors program guidelines » guidelines for departmental or program honors

New & Revised Courses » the course approval process and resources

Changes to core education group and multicultural requirements » summary of the methods of inquiry and cultural literacy

Frequently Asked Questions

When should I propose a new course or edit an existing course?

  • At least 2 terms ahead  
  • New courses are approved for following fall term of the new academic year
  • Fully approved changes are effective the following AY. If an exception is requested, please note that on the form.

When do my courses need to be in the UOCC workflow?

  • Your courses must be in the UOCC workflow at least one week prior to each new term. Please allow at least one full term for your course to move through unit and college levels workflows.

When should I begin to propose a new program or edit an existing program?

  • 12-18 months ahead for new program
  • 10-12 months ahead for editing existing program (through school process by end of winter for next AY)
  • Fully approved changes are effective the following AY. If an exception is requested, please note that on the form

How do I know where my course is?

  • Visit the catalog and type in your subject code and course number in the search box.
  • View the workflow on the right side.

How do I know where my program is?

  • Visit the catalog and type in the name of your program into the search box. Helpful hint: You may need to use the * wildcard after the name.
  • View the workflow on the right side.

I’m an approver. How do I find where the course or program is to approve?

Who do I contact for CourseLeaf access?

What are the responsibilities of the UO Committee on Courses?

  • Screening all proposals for course changes and reporting its recommendations to the university faculty through the Faculty Senate;
  • Directing the University editor on the content and structure of the University Catalog;
  • Consulting with the Undergraduate Council and the Graduate Council on curricular patterns of concern;
  • Participating, on behalf of the university faculty, in planning the development and improvement of the instructional program of the institution;
  • Reviewing courses not taught on a regular basis;
  • Providing advice and assistance to schools and departments in the planning of the curriculum.

Who do I contact for assistance with the software?