Career faculty review and promotion is covered by Article 19 of the United Academics Collective Bargaining Agreement (UA CBA). Departmental/unit-level criteria documents are available under Department and Unit Policies. Promotion cases for instructional career faculty are overseen by the Office of the Provost. Promotion cases for research career faculty are overseen by the Office of Research and Innovation. The promotion decisions for all career faculty are made by the provost. Career continuous employment reviews are conducted with the same processes as promotion. The continuous employment decisions are made by the provost.
June 15 or June 30
Candidate completes eligibility form and notifies unit head of intent to be considered for promotion.
- By June 15 for 9-month faculty members
- By June 30 for 12-month faculty members
Fall Term - Preliminary Work
- Candidate submits their contributions to the promotion file:
- Current CV
- Personal statement
- Waiver statement
- Other applicable materials (e.g., scholarship/creative activity, teaching, service, professional activities)
- Department/unit prepares the file
- Identification and solicitation of external reviewers (if applicable)
- Candidate submits their contributions to the promotion file:
Fall/Early Winter Term
- Unit Personnel Committee: write report and a vote
- Unit head: review file and report and make recommendation
Decision Year
Winter Term
School/College/Division Review
- Dean or vice president: review dossier and report and make recommendation
- Dean or vice president shares report and recommendation with candidate
Note About Timing
The candidate has 10 days from receipt of the dean/vice president/director's report and recommendation to provide responsive material or information which will be included in the review file.
February 1 - April 15
- Submission period for faculty promotion dossiers to OtP for career instructional and to OVPRI for career research faculty.
April 1 and April 15
OVPRI centers and institutes promotion files due to OVPRI by April 1. Career research faculty promotion files due to OVPRI by April 15.
Spring Term
University ReviewProvost or designee: review of promotion files; decision is made for each candidate.
No later than June 1
Candidates are notified in writing of the provost's decision.
No later than June 1
Candidates are notified in writing of the provost's decision.