Build Your Mentorship Map

A Mentorship Network Map is a valuable tool for identifying and visualizing the individuals who provide support and guidance in various aspects of your professional and personal life. Creating your own Mentorship Network Map puts you at the center of your network empowering you to see your network more clearly and intentionally build and maintain it.


There are five documents tailored for different career moments: undergraduate student, graduate student, postdoctoral scholar, staff, and faculty. Each document has different sections specialized for each group.

  1. Download the document that corresponds to your classification.
  2. Review the category descriptions populated on the map and add additional categories that reflect areas of need.
  3. Identify individual developers in these areas or individuals you could reach out to for support, and add their name to the box.


  • This is a working document that is a reflection of your current network. Doing this exercise may highlight areas that need to be cultivated.
  • Consider individuals both internal and external to the UO.
  • Some categories might have many names while others have only a few or none at all.
  • Some names may appear in multiple categories, this reflects the diverse developer roles that individuals fill in various aspects of your academic pursuits, career, or life.

Remember that this Mentorship Network Map is a tool to help you visualize and intentionally cultivate your support network. It is a work in progress, so don't be discouraged if you're not satisfied with its current state. The key is to get started, make our network more visible to ourselves, and work to be more intentional.