Patos Unidos

Patos Unidos

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Welcome to Patos Unidos – a space for UO Latinx information, support, and connection.

As the Latinx community at UO continues to grow and diversify, we created a central space to share, celebrate, and find one another. This page serves as a collection of all Latinx programs, resources, events, communities, stories, and leaders at the University of Oregon. We invite you to not only visit regularly, but also contribute UO Latinx news of your own!

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latinx students


See all of the Latinx resources, services, opportunities, and community members available at the University of Oregon.

Academic Programs

For students across all majors who want to learn more about the perspectives and experiences of Latinx communities in the US and Latin America. 

Offers an in-depth look at the richness and diversity of a vast area and its people, such as Columbian art, the wonder of the Amazon rainforest, or the history of colonialism.

The Latinx Academic Residential Community aims to create and promote a positive and supportive space that eases your transition as a first year student.

An interdisciplinary major that examines Latinas/os/e in relation to other communities of color.

Language program geared to students with a connection to Spanish.

Offers fellowships for undergraduates to conduct research or creative projects supervised by a faculty member.



This new book focuses on the role of advertising practitioners, musicians, filmmakers, and visual artists who stand to benefit economically by selling an image of Cuba to consumers who desperately crave authentic experiences that exist outside of the purview of the marketplace.
This Spanish-English children’s book tells the climate justice story of five young people in the Willamette Valley and northern California. A no-cost PDF download and a for-purchase paperback of the book are available on the publisher’s website.
This collaborative Día de los Muertos documentary film was made with HC 444/421 Latine Testimonios class members, JSMA staff members, guided by Dr. Adriana Miramontes Olivas, MEChA students, and community partners.

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latinx people at graduation


Get advise, counseling, guidance, and tools to help you succeed and thrive at the University of Oregon.

Advising & Counseling »  Recommended individuals for Latinx students

Resources »  Guides, community services, networks, and more


Advising & Counseling

The CMAE's mission is to promote student retention and persistence for historically underrepresented and underserved populations. They develop and implement programs and services that support retention, academic excellence, and success at the UO and beyond.
Multicultural Academic Counselor & Latine/Chicane Retention Specialist ( Ixchel Verdugo (she/her/ella) is the Multicultural Academic Counselor & Latine/Chicane Retention Specialist.
Health Professions Advisor ( Sonia Gordillo (she/her/ella) is a Health Professions Advisor within Tykeson College and Career Advising.

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UO Dreamers webpage with resources for dreamers
Centro Latino Americano nonprofit offering community services
UO Latinx Guide | guidebook by CMAE for Latinx students
Lanzate Travel Awards Program | funding for travel, apply by April 26

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latinx student


Find different ways to engage with Latinx communities at the university – join clubs, discover and support organizations, attend events, and more.

Clubs & Organizations »  Find subgroups within the Latinx UO community

Communities »  Supportive groups and networking opportunities

Events »  Engage in exciting, insightful, and cultural events

Clubs & Organizations

Patos Para Prosperidad is a dedicated group of Latinx alumni eager to support students with professional development, educational opportunities, mentorship and the like. 
UO Fandangueros is a student-led Mariachi Ensemble at the University of Oregon.
Founded in 2021 by two public relations majors, Unidos is the UO student chapter of the Hispanic Public Relations Association (HPRA).

See more clubs & organizations » 


UO Patos | diverse culture & tradition from Latinx members at UO 
Patos Alumni Network | network for current and past Latinx Ducks 
Oregon Folklife Network connect with cultural experts
Latinx Studies Night at the Museum annual event at the JSMA

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There are currently no scheduled events.

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Dia de los muertos


Feel connected or get in contact with other Latinx leaders and community members at the University of Oregon.

Stories »  Read exciting stories of UO Latinx individuals and groups

Committees »  Meet the committees that push Latinx initiatives at UO 

Leaders »  Meet UO Latinx leaders on campus



These stories featured on the UO Alumni Association website highlight the remarkable contributions of six Latine Ducks who are instilling positive change across their communities, organizations, and beyond.
Her experience and ideas make alumna Itzel Chávez Gómez the bridge to higher ed for Latinas in Oregon.
“Her work ethic is amazing,” said Tan Perkins, ASUO chief of staff. “She’s the person that’s out there tabling and is like ‘Hey, there’s too many people behind the table. Get out there,’ and then she goes out there, too.”

See more stories » 

latinx committee


Latinx Strategies Group | improving educational equity among Latinx students 
Latinx Academic Residential Community | promoting a positive space at UO 
Visioning and Steering Committee | making the Latinx Studies program a reality 
UO Dreamers Working Group | improving the experiences of Dreamers students at UO


chris chavez

Director of Center for Latino/a and Latin American Studies (CLLAS)

Lynn Stephen

Professor of Anthropology, Center for Latino/a and Latin American Studies (CLLAS) Executive Board

laura pulido

Professor in Indigenous, Race, and Ethnic Studies (IRES)

ed wolf

Associate Professor of Ethnomusicology, Director of Latin American Studies, Faculty Advisor with the Latinx Male Alliance and UO Fandangueros (Mariachi)

adriana miramontes

Curator of Academic Programs and Latin American and Caribbean Art, JSMA

audrey lucero

Associate Professor and Director of UO Latinx Studies program 
CLLAS, College of Education, Critical and Sociocultural Studies in Education, IRES

renee delgado-riley

Director of Assessment and Research in Student Life

sophia olivares

Student Journalism, Associated Students of University of Oregon, Programs Finance Committee, MEChA

justine carpenter

Assistant Dean of Students and Director of Multicultural and Identity-based Support Services

rosa chavez

Director of the Center for Multicultural Academic Excellence 

janice daniels

Digital Engagement Specialist, Center for Latino/a & Latin American Studies


Ixchel Verdugo

Multicultural Academic Counselor & Latine/Chicane Retention Specialist

Ernesto Martinez

Associate Professor and Head of Indigenous, Race, and Ethnic Studies (IRES)

Nora Fandino

TRIO Advisor

Raoul Lievanos

Associate Professor of Sociology and IRES Graduate Faculty

Jose Melendez

Assistant Professor, Planning Public Policy and Management

Jose Cortez

Assistant Professor of English

Jessica Vasquez Tokos

Professor of Sociology

Yvette Saavedra

Associate Professor in Women, Gender & Sexuality Studies and IRES Graduate Faculty

Isabel Millan

Assistant Professor, Women, Gender & Sexuality Studies and IRES Graduate Faculty

Gabriela Martinez

Professor, Journalism and Communication; Head, Women, Gender & Sexuality Studies

Julie Weise

Associate Professor of History

Lorena Landeros

Assistant Advisor, Office of Advising and Student Experience in the Lundquist College of Business

Sarah Lambert

Academic and Career Advisor, Tykeson

Arturo Zavala

Associate Director of Academic Advising, College of Design

Sonia Gordillo

Health Professions and Academic and Career Advisor, Tykeson

Lucy Rojas Henderson

Academic and Career Advisor, Tykeson

Briselda Molina

Career and Academic Advisor, SOJC

Karla Perez-Young

Academic Advisor, Lundquist College of Business

Luis Ruiz

Assistant Director for Student Success and Analytics, GEO Study Abroad

Michelle Garibay

Academic Advisor, College of Design

Sergio Loza

Assistant Professor and Director of Spanish Heritage Language Program, Romance Languages

Heather Quarles

Senior Instructor I of Spanish, Romance Languages

Kelly Leon Howarth

Instructor, Romance Languages

Alex Zunterstein

Senior Instructor II of Spanish, Romance Languages

Bethany Runsten

Academic and Career Advisor, Tykeson

Crystal Leal

Advisor, Pathway Oregon

Mariah Helm

Career Readiness Coach and Peer Coach Coordinator, University Career Center

Dinorah Ortiz

Career Readiness Coach and Peer Coach Coordinator, University Career Center

Gerard Sandoval

Professor, Planning, Public Policy and Management; President, University of Oregon Senate

Catalina de Onís

Core Faculty, Clark Honors College

Lucas Silva

Philip H. Knight Chair and Professor of Environmental Studies and Biology Biology, Environmental Studies

Sarah Wald

Associate Professor of English and Environmental Studies, IRES Graduate Faculty

Ana Lara

Associate Professor of Women, Gender & Sexuality Studies and IRES Graduate Faculty

Cecilia Enjuto Rangel

Associate Professor, Romance Languages

Gabriela Perez Baez

Associate Professor, Linguistics