Office of the Provost Updates

Public Comment Sought on TFAB's Recommendations

February 12, 2018 - The Tuition and Fee Advisory Board (TFAB) has made their recommendations for the 2018-19 academic year. I invite you to review TFAB’s full tuition proposal and to provide input using this online comment form by 5:00 p.m., Friday, February 16. In addition, we will host a student forum at 5:30 p.m. this Thursday in the Alumni Lounge, Gerlinger Hall.

OPAA Leadership Adjustments

January 17, 2018 - Since arriving to campus last July, I have spent a lot of time getting to know my team in OPAA. Prior to my arrival there were several changes made to OPAA’s organizational structure. I have been continuing to assess whether we are optimally utilizing everyone’s skills. While the entire assessment and refresh is not yet complete, I wanted to update you on a couple of key changes as the winter term begins.

Classroom Management Resources

December 13, 2017 - As those of you who will be teaching next term prepare for winter-term courses, it is important to think again about pedagogy and classroom management. When contentious social issues are discussed in class, students sometimes make declarations and accusations that, intentional or not, disrupt the learning environment. This happened several times last term, including two cases in which students made declarations in favor of white nationalism/white supremacy and at least one case in which someone not enrolled in a class disrupted it by shouting political slogans.

It is important to note that student speech, when related to class discussion and consistent with an environment conducive to learning, is vigorously protected by law and by university policy, even when such speech is offensive to others. At the same time, speech that is not relevant to class discussion and that disrupts the ability of our instructors to teach or our students to learn can be forbidden as disruptions of university activities in violation of policy.

Controversial group visiting campus

October 17, 2017 - As an academic community, the University of Oregon strongly values free speech and academic freedom. Even content that may be offensive to many people is protected under the First Amendment and UO free-expression policies.

This value may be tested this week when a controversial group visits the university. They bring movable visual displays to campuses nationwide that contain graphic images associated with an antiabortion viewpoint. The images may be shocking to some. Due to the graphic nature of the display, the university is providing advance notice to campus so those who don’t want to see the images can avoid the EMU Green this Wednesday and Thursday.

UGS Interim

September 25, 2017 - It is my great pleasure to let you know that Dennis Galvan, vice provost for international affairs, has accepted my request to serve as the interim dean of undergraduate studies, while also continuing in his current role in international affairs.

Important Announcements for Clark Honors College and the Graduate School

July 17, 2017 - There is important news to share about the Graduate School and the Robert D. Clark Honors College. I am happy to inform you that Sara Hodges has accepted my offer to serve as interim dean of our Graduate School. In addition, Terry Hunt, dean of the Clark Honors College, will depart the university in September for a new role as dean of the University of Arizona Honors College.