Faculty Success Newsletter
Faculty Success Summarized
Faculty Success Newsletter
Faculty Success Summarized
October 14, 2024 - A summary of news and events to support faculty success, including the instructional policy liaisons, Teaching in Turbulent Contexts resource guide, Implementation Grants for inclusive and effective teaching, mentorship programs, and events and opportunities.
Faculty Success Newsletter
Awards and Opportunities Recipients 2023-24
Each year, the Office of the Provost offers awards and opportunities that honor our shared commitment to exceptional instruction, mentorship, and service. We are excited to share which faculty members have been named for our AY2023-24 awards and opportunities.
Faculty Success Newsletter
May 28, 2024 - The Office of the Provost summarizes the opportunities and resources available to faculty, including a reminder that the Student Experience Surveys open this week with tips on how to get helpful feedback, a resource to switch from iClicker Classic to Cloud, the Inclusive Retention Roundtable report, and more.
Faculty Success Summarized
May 13, 2024 - The Office of the Provost summarizes the opportunities and resources available to faculty, including ways to support students' well-being during Mental Health Awareness Month and two educational events about the Middle East that will be of special interest to instructors.
Faculty Success Newsletter
April 30, 2024 - The Office of the Provost summarizes the opportunities and resources available to faculty, including information about the demonstration on campus, an invite to apply to the UO Summer Teaching Institute: Teaching in the Age of Artificial Intelligence, a notice that the Faculty Promotion Celebration will be hosted in the spring on June 10, and a link to listen to the Glass Apple Podcast to hear insights about inclusive teaching.