Syllabus Requirement- Undergraduate and Graduate (Policy)

Undergraduate Courses

Instructors shall provide a syllabus for all university courses. The syllabus must be made available to students (hard copy or online as a downloadable document) on the first day of class or sooner. The following information, at minimum, should be included in the syllabus:

  1. INSTRUCTOR INFORMATION: instructor’s name, office/room number, uoregon e-mail address and any other means of contact desired
  2. OFFICE HOURS: office hours and a statement indicating how to contact the faculty member for an appointment outside office hours
  3. COURSE OBJECTIVES: overall course objectives and expected learning outcomes as approved by the UOCC and documented in CourseLeaf
    1. if any undergraduate course meets any Core Education requirements, a statement describing which of the following requirements it meets and why
      1. Area of Inquiry (Social Science, Natural Science, or Arts and Letters) - see sample syllabus statements here)
        1. Also include which Methods of Inquiry are covered
      2. Cultural Literacy (Difference, Inequality and Agency OR Global Perspectives)
        1. At a minimum, include Core Education Council approved statement and learning outcomes
    1. grade policies – describes the standards for each level of work (including A+ - see UO's Grading System)
    2. grading criteria and expectations, for example grading rubrics
  5. ABSENCES: clear absence policy that is reason-neutral and pedagogically appropriate for the specific course and, for undergraduate courses, compliant with the Course Attendance and Engagement Policy.
  6. MATERIALS AND ACTIVITIES: lists of any required readings, assignments, examinations, special materials, and extracurricular activities
  7. CLASSROOM BEHAVIOR: statement on expected classroom behavior (e.g., use of cell phones, recording devices, etc.)
  8. UNIVERSITY POLICIES: statement on or link to policies on (see Office of the Provost approved language):
    1. academic misconduct
    2. accessible education and accommodations
    3. to mandatory reporting obligations
    4. emergency policies – weather, fire, active shooter

Graduate Courses

Instructors shall provide a syllabus for all university graduate courses, excluding generic courses. The syllabus must be made available to students (hard copy or online as a downloadable document) on the first day of class or sooner. The following information, at minimum, should be included in the syllabus:

  1. INSTRUCTOR INFORMATION: instructor’s name, office/room number, uoregon e-mail address and any other means of contact desired
  2. OFFICE HOURS: office hours and a statement indicating how to contact the faculty member for an appointment outside office hours
  3. COURSE OBJECTIVES: overall course objectives and expected learning outcomes as approved by the UOCC and documented in CourseLeaf.
    1. grade policies – describes the standards for each level of work (including A+ - see UO's Grading System)
    2. grading criteria and expectations, for example grading rubrics
  5. ABSENCES: clear absence policy that is reason-neutral and pedagogically appropriate for the specific course 
  6. MATERIALS AND ACTIVITIES: lists of any required readings, assignments, examinations, special materials, and extracurricular activities\
  7. CLASSROOM BEHAVIOR: statement on expected classroom behavior (e.g., use of cell phones, recording devices, etc.) 
  8. UNIVERSITY POLICIES: statement on or link to policies on (see Office of the Provost approved language):
    1. academic misconduct
    2. accessible education and accommodations
    3. to mandatory reporting obligations
    4. emergency policies – weather, fire, active shooter

Undergraduate syllabus policy

Approved By: University Senate        Date: 05/19/2021

Motion Number: US20/21-13

Revision History: First version approved 05/19/2021

Original Source:

Graduate syllabus policy

Approved By: University Senate        Date: 06/05/2024

Motion Number: US23/24-14