Syllabus Requirement- Undergraduate and Graduate (Policy)

Undergraduate Courses

Instructors shall provide a syllabus for all university courses. The syllabus must be made available to students (hard copy or online as a downloadable document) on the first day of class or sooner. The following information, at minimum, should be included in the syllabus:

  1. INSTRUCTOR INFORMATION: instructor’s name, office/room number, uoregon e-mail address and any other means of contact desired
  2. OFFICE HOURS: office hours and a statement indicating how to contact the faculty member for an appointment outside office hours
  3. COURSE OBJECTIVES: overall course objectives and expected learning outcomes as approved by the UOCC and documented in CourseLeaf
    1. if any undergraduate course meets any Core Education requirements, a statement describing which of the following requirements it meets and why
      1. Area of Inquiry (Social Science, Natural Science, or Arts and Letters) - see sample syllabus statements here)
        1. Also include which Methods of Inquiry are covered
      2. Cultural Literacy (Difference, Inequality and Agency OR Global Perspectives)
        1. At a minimum, include Core Education Council approved statement and learning outcomes
    1. grade policies – describes the standards for each level of work (including A+ - see UO's Grading System)
    2. grading criteria and expectations, for example grading rubrics
  5. ABSENCES: clear absence policy that is reason-neutral and pedagogically appropriate for the specific course and, for undergraduate courses, compliant with the Course Attendance and Engagement Policy.
  6. MATERIALS AND ACTIVITIES: lists of any required readings, assignments, examinations, special materials, and extracurricular activities
  7. CLASSROOM BEHAVIOR: statement on expected classroom behavior (e.g., use of cell phones, recording devices, etc.)
  8. UNIVERSITY POLICIES: These policy statements now exist on the student-facing University Course Policies page and are linked to from every Canvas course site. So that we can ensure that students are always getting the most up-to-date information, faculty should not reproduce these statements on their syllabi, but can provide a link to that page on their syllabi if they wish. Faculty are encouraged to show the page to their students at the beginning of each course and highlight the important resources and policies.

Graduate Courses

Instructors shall provide a syllabus for all university graduate courses, excluding generic courses. The syllabus must be made available to students (hard copy or online as a downloadable document) on the first day of class or sooner. The following information, at minimum, should be included in the syllabus:

  1. INSTRUCTOR INFORMATION: instructor’s name, office/room number, uoregon e-mail address and any other means of contact desired
  2. OFFICE HOURS: office hours and a statement indicating how to contact the faculty member for an appointment outside office hours
  3. COURSE OBJECTIVES: overall course objectives and expected learning outcomes as approved by the UOCC and documented in CourseLeaf.
    1. grade policies – describes the standards for each level of work (including A+ - see UO's Grading System)
    2. grading criteria and expectations, for example grading rubrics
  5. ABSENCES: clear absence policy that is reason-neutral and pedagogically appropriate for the specific course
  6. MATERIALS AND ACTIVITIES: lists of any required readings, assignments, examinations, special materials, and extracurricular activities\
  7. CLASSROOM BEHAVIOR: statement on expected classroom behavior (e.g., use of cell phones, recording devices, etc.)
  8. UNIVERSITY POLICIES: These policy statements now exist on the student-facing University Course Policies page and are linked to from every Canvas course site. So that we can ensure that students are always getting the most up-to-date information, faculty should not reproduce these statements on their syllabi, but can provide a link to that page on their syllabi if they wish. Faculty are encouraged to show the page to their students at the beginning of each course and highlight the important resources and policies.

Undergraduate syllabus policy

Approved By: University Senate        Date: 05/19/2021

Motion Number: US20/21-13

Revision History: First version approved 05/19/2021

Revised on 2/25/2025 to update item #8 to reflect a new approach to University Policies.

Original Source:

Graduate syllabus policy

Approved By: University Senate        Date: 06/05/2024

Motion Number: US23/24-14