Instructors don’t actually decide things like class time, the room you meet in, or whether a course is required or not.
So this is not very helpful:
Teach this class at some time other than 8am!
More helpful:
Because this class is first thing in the morning, efforts you make to get us moving and talking are really important to me.
Instructors are trying to make choices to help you learn.
So this is not very helpful:
This class was TOO MUCH WORK!
More helpful:
Some of the work we did didn’t seem important for the way we were actually graded. For example, we spent lots of time reading about X, but X didn’t factor into our papers or exams.
Try not to leave your instructors and their departments guessing about why a teaching and learning element was helpful or unhelpful.
This is not very helpful:
Checking the box that says, for example, “Feedback” was most beneficial to your learning, but not saying why.
More helpful:
Writing something specific. For example, “You are one of few instructors who actually told me things I was doing right (not just wrong!) in your feedback on my essays. That really inspired me to try harder and showed me what to build on.”