Spring term guidance

Dear Students,  

We hope you have had a good winter term and are looking forward to spring break. We are writing today about course attendance and modality expectations for spring term.

We know there was tremendous variety in class attendance policies and instructors’ approaches to supporting students who were absent as UO responded to the COVID-19 Omicron surge in winter.  For spring, classes are returning to customary instruction, which is primarily in-person and some asynchronous online courses. In-person instructors have been encouraged to focus their attention on making the face-to-face learning experience as rich and rewarding as possible. This means that streaming and class recordings may not be available. We hope it also means there is a more unified and engaging class experience. You should still stay home if you are ill. Please save allowed absences for times when they are really needed, in keeping with the policies of your individual courses.  

If you are registered for in-person classes, you should expect to attend them. If you anticipate needing considerable flexibility with in-person attendance, we encourage you to consider the UO’s expanded roster of asynchronous and synchronous online courses. Here are UO's spring online courses. The course schedule is searchable by modality if you change the "location" field.

Please know that UO instructors want to support your success. If challenges come up for you in spring term, please let your instructor know. Your advisors are also an incredible resource to start with, along with the expanded offerings from the Tutoring and Academic Engagement Center. If you have concerns about the expectations or communication you’re receiving for a course that are not addressed by your instructor, email courseconcern@uoregon.edu.

Finally, as a reminder, the University of Oregon announced two weeks ago that wearing masks will become optional in most indoor spaces on campus beginning Saturday, March 19. Masks will remain required in health care settings, such as University Health Services and the COVID-19 Monitoring and Assessment Program (MAP) testing sites. Starting March 19, masks are optional. Those who feel more comfortable wearing a mask can do so without explanation.  

Thank you for your continued commitment to learning and your flexibility.


Kimberly Johnson,
Vice ProvostDivision of Undergraduate Education and Student Success

Lee Rumbarger,
Associate Vice Provost andDirector, Teaching Engagement ProgramOffice of the Provost