Revision (minor, major)

All revisions to existing courses must be proposed through CourseLeaf as that is the system which triggers Banner and Catalog changes through the Registrar.  For revisions to existing courses, proposal authors confer with college curriculum committee chairs and the UOCC prior to review and approval of the department to determine if the revisions are minor or major.  Minor revisions to existing courses follow an expedited pathway.  Major revisions to existing courses receive a full review. 

Revisions designated as “minor” by the UOCC have an expedited review by a subcommittee. Examples of minor changes could include but are not limited to the following: 

  • Edits to course titles, catalog copy, and course descriptions  
  • Increase or decrease in course credits 
  • Changes to CORE Ed/Cultural Literacy designations 

In some cases, changes listed above may be deemed “major” if the change is substantive or has broader implications. 

Revisions are considered “major” when multiple departments are potentially impacted by the proposed changes, or the changes are significantly different from what was approved and recorded in CourseLeaf. Examples of major changes include but are not limited to the following: 

  • Substantial changes to learning objectives  
  • Changes to prerequisites or corequisites 
  • Changes to repeatability 

In some cases, changes listed above may be deemed “minor” if the change is deemed non-substantive or has limited implications. 

Approved By: University Senate        Date: 05/24/2023

Motion Number: US22/23-20

Revision History:

Original US22/23-20 Date 05/24/2023