Multi-listing Courses

Courses may be multi-listed between departments. Most courses have unique subject codes. Multi-listed courses are in the catalog under one or more different subject codes, too, while still retaining their own subject codes. Often this is enough to facilitate multidisciplinary and interdisciplinary instruction. 

“Multilisting” of the same course under more than one subject code can be approved only when the participating departments share in the development and teaching of the course. The option to multi-list can be proposed with a new class, or an existing class may request multi-listing as a course change. Supporting documentation as an attached letter or email from the relevant departments must be attached to the proposal in CourseLeaf.

The following applies to multi-listed courses: 

  1. Multilisted courses can be established, changed, or dropped only with the concurrence of all departments involved. The departments must select a home department for the course and prepare a single Multilisted Course form, submitted to the Committee on Courses through the home department’s college or school. 
  2. A set of multilisted courses must have identical course numbers, titles, credits, grading options, descriptions, and pre- or corequisites. Only the subject codes differ. 
  3. Courses that are repeatable for credit (identified in University of Oregon Catalog by an R after the credits) are ineligible for multilisting. This includes generic courses (numbered 196, 198, 199, 399, 401- 410, 503, 601-610, 704-710). 
  4. Student credits remain with the employing department. For any term that a course will be taught by more than one instructor, the percentage of each faculty member’s responsibility for the course must be specified in advance of registration. 
  5. All subject codes in a multilisted set are printed in the UO Schedule of Classes whenever one course in the set is listed. 
  6. Under the home department in the UO Undergraduate and Graduate Catalog, a descriptive statement at the end of the course description specifies all other subject codes for the same course and indicates that it may be taken only once for credit. 
  7. In the UO catalog, each multilisted course in another department provides a cross-reference to the complete entry in the home department. 
  8. The Office of the Registrar prepares separate class lists and grade rosters for each department offering multilisted courses. 
  9. Each multilisted course is denoted by an “M” suffix to the course number. A course may have only one suffix letter. 
  10. Temporary multilisted courses may be offered without formal course approval only once, under the numbers 200M (lower division), 400M (upper division), 500M, or 600M (graduate). 

Approved By: University Senate        Date: 05/24/2023

Motion Number: US22/23-20

Revision History:

Original US22/23-20 Date 05/24/2023