Grading Rubric Samples

For the approval of new courses or modifications to existing courses, the UOCC sample syllabus requires that submissions "include or link to grading criteria and expectations, such as grading rubrics." The document linked below contains sample rubrics recommended by the UOCC. While it is not required to use these specific rubrics, you are encouraged to modify them to suit your course or a particular assignment. They can also serve as a template for creating your own rubric. 

The sample includes rubrics for:

  1. Class participation
  2. Group presentation
  3. Final paper
  4. Final project
  5. Discussion posts

Download rubric samples

Please note, the link provides a view-only document. You can download it using one of the following methods:    

  • If you are logged into Microsoft: click "File", then "Save as."
  • If you are not logged into Microsoft: click "download" in top right corner of the window.