Tenure-track faculty and career faculty being evaluated for promotion and/or tenure are required to include a discussion of contributions to institutional equity and inclusion in their personal statement.
The Division of Equity and Inclusion has provided examples for faculty seeking to compose meaningful statements of their contributions to institutional equity and inclusion.
Candidates who do not address equity and inclusion in their personal statement will be asked to revise their personal statement before their files are reviewed by the UO Faculty Personnel Committee (TTF) or the Provost (Career). Unless unit-level policy prescribes a particular format, candidates may choose to discuss their contributions to equity and inclusion either as a separate section of their personal statement or to integrate discussion of their contributions into the other sections of the personal statement. Both approaches are equally acceptable, but those who choose to integrate their discussion of contributions to equity and inclusion into the research, teaching, and service sections of their statement should address their contributions to equity and inclusion in some depth in those sections. While it is common for these contributions to be consistent with the candidate’s job description and professional responsibilities, individual innovation, creativity, and effort beyond those duties and responsibilities should be fully recognized.