Degree Audit Modernization Project

Degree Audit Modernization Header Image

UO is investing in a new system for students to track their degree progress, a major initiative for supporting student success. This ongoing project will modernize the UO degree audit system and eventually replace the UO Degree Guide program.

Funded by strategic dollars from the offices of the President and Provost, the new online tool launched in June 2024. It is a joint project co-led by the Registrar’s Office, Undergraduate Education and Student Success, and Information Services.

Project Goals

The new online degree audit tool will:

  • Create a better, clearer self-service experience for students to see their degree progress.
  • Provide reliable and comprehensive course information to assist students with scenario planning and facilitate on-time graduation.
  • Support student-centered coordination of academic advising.
  • Allow the institution to centrally track course scheduling trends and bottlenecks.
Project Support

 UO staff are working with vendor Ellucian, and its Degree Works software, to develop and launch the tool. The university has added four new permanent positions to support implementation of the technology and to maximize the UO’s investment:

  • One UESS position to assist with user experience for students, advisors, faculty, and departments and to support and develop best practices.
  • One Registrar’s Office position to support and guide ongoing curricular review and revisions and to ensure streamlined presentation of degree requirements and choices.
  • Two Information Services positions to maintain the system, to manage its data and to provide technical support for system enhancements.
Project Contact

For questions or to request more information, please email the project team at: 


PHASE I: Confirm

  • June 2023

    Project kickoff


    July 2023

    Encoding of the 2022-23 base course catalog.


    AugUSt 2023-ApRIL 2024

    UO staff on the Degree Modernization Team to complete functional and technical trainings on the new tool every two months as it is developed, for a total of five functional trainings.


    October 2023

    Advising Implementation Team formed and to begin providing feedback on end-user configurations (website configurations/look and feel).

  • November-December 2023

    Registrar’s Office to complete encoding of existing degree requirements, including validating data with academic departments. In parallel, UESS to gather and confirm 4-year degree plans with academic departments.


    December 2023

    Branding of new application to be completed.

PHASE II: Prepare

  • January 2024

    Advising Implementation Team to begin functional trainings and start developing Student Educational Plans.


    February 2024

    Encoding of current 2023-24 catalog to be completed. 


    February-March 2024

    Course Program of Study (CPoS) discovery for Financial Aid assistance programs


    March 2024

    Digital Accessibility review


    March-April 2024

    Transfer equivalency functions for transfer students to be developed.



    April-June 2024

    Internal rollout and organizational readiness trainings. 


    JuNe 2024

    New tool goes live.