Courtesy and Emeritus Appointments


Courtesy faculty appointments may be offered to persons who visit the university from other institutions or persons who work outside the university and contribute without compensation to a unit's program. Courtesy appointments are not provided to university employees. If a unit would like to have an employee be affiliated with their unit, they should consider adding them as a member, affiliate, or participating faculty, which would be described in the unit’s internal governance policy.

Please be aware that a courtesy appointment does not grant the incumbent the right to sit on graduate committees or garner PI status. These privileges have separate policies, processes and approvals. Please see the Graduate School website on graduate committee policies and the VPRI website for PI status.

Courtesy faculty will be issued a picture ID card by the UO Card Office.

The following services will be available to courtesy faculty

  • Library privileges
  • UO email account
  • Faculty/staff parking permit purchase privileges
  • Recreational facilities purchase privileges

For more information on appointing courtesy faculty, please visit Human Resources - Operations.

Rights and Privileges of Faculty Retired with Merit

Emerit appointments are unpaid post-retirement appointments for tenured faculty members and career faculty who have served the university for at least five years at the highest rank available to her/his appointment type (i.e., full professor, senior librarian, or other senior II career faculty rank). Upon retirement, such faculty members are automatically eligible for emerit status under policy number II.02.03, Faculty: Rights and Privileges of Faculty Retired With Merit.

The titles available to faculty who retire with merit are Emerit, Emerita, or Emeritus. In the case that a faculty member does not select one of these titles, Emerit will be applied as their default title. For example, the titles would become Professor Emerit, Senior Lecturer II Emeritus, and Senior Librarian Emerita, etc. In some instances, at retirement, an individual who does not automatically qualify for emerit status may be nominated for such status by the department or unit head or by the dean. Nominations are normally made not more than six weeks before the faculty member’s retirement date.

For information on the emeritus/emerita nomination process, please visit HR - Operations.

Members of the graduate faculty who retire may continue to serve as chair, co-chair, or member of a dissertation committee for one year beyond their retirement for students for whom they were chair or member before retirement at the discretion of the department and without Graduate School exception. Read more about Graduate School committee membership.

The Tenure Reduction, Retirement, and Emeriti Committee is charged with advising the university faculty and administration on the matters of policy and practice concerning the rights of emeriti.