DTA Peg Boulay

Peg Boulay

Peg Boulay

Thomas F. Herman Faculty Achievement Award for Distinguished Teaching
Senior Instructor, Environmental Studies Program

Inclusive, engaged, research-led

"Through the Science Literacy, Teaching Engagement Program, and Environmental Studies Program, I have met, learned from, and been inspired by many caring, engaged, inclusive, and creative instructors. So I am deeply honored and humbled to be recognized by my peers."

Sharing wonder & discovery

"My own fascination and passion for the environment motivate me to share a sense of wonder, discovery, care, and stewardship. From elementary to graduate school, I was fortunate to learn from a series of excellent biology teachers who nurtured my curiosity and challenged my thinking."



Classes with Boulay

ENVS 429

Environmental Leadership Program

ENVS 427

Environmental and Ecological Monitoring

ENVS 411

Wolves in Oregon

ENVS 411

Ecological Restoration

ENVS 411

Understanding Place: the McKenzie Watershed

USGS 112

Environmental Leaders ARC Seminar


Extraordinary students

"I have the privilege of working with caring, curious, and motivated students who truly want to make the world a better place. They continually impress, inspire, and energize me."

Inspired by the outdoors

"In addition to teaching in the outdoors, I also relax and recharge through outdoor pursuits such as hiking, camping, backpacking, birdwatching and mushrooming. I pay close attention to seasonal changes during my daily walk to campus, and I get some of my best ideas during these quiet moments."